Friday, March 23, 2007

Outfit Manager/Controlador de Apariencia

This feature divides into two parts. The first one lets you change your outfit to whatever monster you want, of course only you can see that, or to any outfit available. The second part allows you to copy the outfit of another player, NPC or monster in your screen.

Este nuevo comando se divide en dos partes. La primera te permite cambiar tu apariencia a cualquier monstruo o outfit que existan. La seguna parte te permite copiarle el outfit a otra persona, monstruo o NPC que este en tu pantall.

Outfit Manager
&outfit ("(monster|outfit name|outfit id)" (addons)| copy "(player|npc|monster)")

&outfit copy "Eternal oblivion"
&outfit "Male Warrior" 3
&outfit "Hydra" 0

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Direct communication/Comunicacion directa

You will now be able to submit feedback, report bugs and send comments instantly to me directly from Tibia. The Feedback command opens a text window where you can type your thoughts, all you have to do next is click OK. It is completely anonymous, if you want you can put your name or e-mail if you want me to contact you. No information from you it's going to be released, everything will be kept private. If you are a paranoid you can download a tool that let's you see what information TTB sends back and forth, but I assure you you won't find more than what you already typed.

Ahora podras enviarme comentarios, reportar bugs, etc, de manera instantanea directamente deste Tibia. El comando Feedback abre una ventana de texto donde puedes escribir todo lo que pienses, todo lo que tienes que hacer es hacer click en OK. Es completamente anonimo, si quieres puedes poner tu nombre o e-mail si quieres que yo te contacte. Ninguna informacion sobre ti sera divulgada, todo se mantendra privado. Si eres paranoico puedes descargar alguna herramienta que te permita ver que envia TTB, pero te aseguro de antemano que no encontraras mas nada que lo mismo que escribiste.

Feedback Command

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fix for 2.0.6

I uploaded a fixed version of the TTB 2.0.6 installer, make sure you download it.
Also, next version will contain a built-in feature that will save/load hotkey settings automatically for any character, which means that you can have different hotkey settings for your characters. Now you'll be able to switch from your druid to your knight more easier than ever!

He subido una version arreglada de TTB 2.0.6, asegurate de descargarla.
Tambien, la proxima version contendra una caracteristica que permitira guardar, y cargar la configuracion de Hotkeys automaticamente. Esto significa que podras tener una configuration de hotkeys propia para cada char que tengas.

Monday, March 19, 2007

TibiaTek Bot v2.0.6 Beta Released

It's been a long time since I posted beta version v2.0.5, and it's about time we make some changes, right?
This version contains several bug fixes that have been addressed before.
I would like to say thanks to every one of you who helped me making this happen, your feedback has been great.

-MC able, if your tibia client is mc patched, you can run as many TTB instances as you like.
-Configuration Manager, executes the commands you like the most right after you log in.
-Auto Stacker, automatically organizes your backpack by putting all stacked items right where they should be.
-Map Viewer, for informational purposes only (so far).
-Auto Looter, opens the monster for you, loots the items for you.
-Stats Uploader, allows you to view the status of your char from another place, by letting you upload your statistics to an ftp server or to your local hard drive.
-Auto Heal Party, keep your team mates safe while hunting.
-Fake Title, to change the title of tibia, it can save you from either getting fired or grounded.
-Help, get help directly on how to use any command.
-Logger, to save everything that happens to a file, so you can later look at it and find out what really happened.
-Auto Pickup, to automatically pickup any throw-able item, like a spear for example.
-Runemaker, a simple runemaker that enables you to make any kind of rune.
-Fisher, the name says it all doesn't it?
-Trade Channel Watcher, lets you find out if that offer you've been waiting for the whole day. It uses regular expressions.
-Remote Administration, allows you to control your character from another character.
-Experience Checker, displays the experience you need to advance another level, among other things.
-Guild Members, find out who is online and who's not of the enemy guild (not just the enemy o.o)
-Character Information Lookup, get all the character information you need, his comment and recent deaths.
-Open command, lets you open websites directly from tibia, search in Tibia wiki among other websites.
-Ammunition Restacker, refills your ammunition slot with more ammunition o.o.
-Light effects, this is not a disco light, it's a feature that turns several light effects like a torch, light wand, full light, etc.
-Auto Attacker, well.. this one does a lot of things! You can use it to train with monsters, like monks, slimes, rotworms, you name it... Just learn how to use it! o.o
-Spell Caster, can't be more obvious!.
-Auto Eater, automatically eat foods, and can also eat below you, and around you o.o. Nice!
-Auto UHer, always feel safe, or as a last resort!
-Auto Heal Friend, uh or sio a friend when he is hurt, automatically!
-Floor Lookup, find out what is below/above/around you!
-Trade Channel Advertiser, keep your offer on the market and become rich!
-Magic Shield status notifier, this will tell you when your magic shield is running out.
-Alarms, very powerful set of alarms at your disposal.

Features to come:
-Mana fluid drinker
-Vip list alarm

That's all, enjoy!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

New Stuff/Cosas Nuevas

Hello dear TibiaTek Bot users!
-The Character Information command (&char) now will show the newest 5 deaths of the character.
-It will now be possible to MC with TibiaTek Bot if your client is MC patched.
-Fixed the bug with the Magic Shield status notifier.
-The proxy is now integrated into the program, that is, there will not be a PProxy.dll, only Crypt.dll that is used to encrypt/decrypt the data packets.

Buenos queridos usuarios de TibiaTek Bot!
-El comando para obtener informacion de los chars (Character Information o &char) ahora mostrara las ultimas 5 muertes.
-Ya se podra hacer MC si tu Tibia ha sido parcheado para abrirse mas de una vez.
-Arregle el bug del Magic Shield.
-El Proxy ahora esta dentro del programa y no en un dll.

New Command:
Auto Stacker
&stacker (on | off)

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

More Updates / Mas Actualizaciones

The next version will contain several bug fixes as well as some new features:
-Commands are now preceded by & (commercial and).
-You can type commands in any chat window.
-Output of commands are now viewable in the status information text that appears on the bottom part of the tibia map.

La siguiente version contendra varios arreglos tanto como nuevas caracteristicas:
-Los comandos ahora tendran que ser precedidos del simbolo &.
-Se podra mandar comandos en cualquier ventana de chat.
-La salida de los comandos ahora se vera en el texto blanco de status que sale en la parte inferior del mapa de tibia.

New Commands / Nuevos comandos:

Map Viewer (informational purpose ONLY up to now)

Ammo Restacker
&ammorestacker (ammount|off)

Trade Channel Watcher
&watch (regular expression)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hello fellow TibiaTek Bot users!
I offer my apologies for the lack of updates lately, but the main reason is the lack of time I have due to the fact that vacation was over (3 weeks since).
I'm currently working on the Items Alarm, and no, I haven't stopped programming, I keep on doing it whenever I'm in the mood.

Hola mis queridos usuarios de TibiaTek Bot!
Les ofresco mis mas sinceras disculpas por la falta de actualizaciones ultimamente, pero la razon es la falta del tiempo por el hecho de que ya mis vacaciones terminaron (desde hace 3 semanas). Ahora estoy trabajando en la alarma de Items, y no, no me he detenido, sigo programando siempre que tenga ganas.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Auto Looter

Well, one of the most awaited commands has come to life. There's nothing much to say just that it automatically loots the monsters for the items you want.

Bueno, uno de los comandos mas esperados ha cobrado vida. No hay mucho que decir excepto que lootea automaticamente.

Auto Looter
loot (on | minimum capacity | off)

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Version 2.0.5 Beta Released/Lanzada

:P At last...

Get it at:

More Fun/Mas Diversion

This next update is going to fix several bugs that were found on v2.0.4, so everyone is encouraged to get it asap.
Este update arreglare muchos bugs que se encontraron en la version 2.0.4, asi que animo a todos a que actualizen su TTB.

New Commands for next version:
Auto Heal Party
healparty (minimum hit points percent)% (uh | sio | both)

Auto Healer
heal (minimum or minimum hit points percent) "(spell name or spell words)" [""optional comment]

Also, new Alarms have been introduced, the Status Alarm.
Tambien, una nueva Alarma ha sido introducida, la alarma de Estado.

Moreover, when an alarm is fired, you will see on top of your character musical notes, telling you so.
Ademas, cuando una alarma se activa, veras encima de tu char notas musicales, diciendotelo.

:P Comments please!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

TibiaTek Bot v2.0.4 Beta Version Released

I'm proud to announce the release of the beta version 2.0.4.
This version comes with an installer, to make it easy for everyone to install.

Estoy orgulloso de anunciar el lanzamiento de la version beta 2.0.4.
Esta version viene con un instalador, para que sea mas facil para todos instalarlo.

More... and More... Features.. Argg

War Times?
Now you'll be able to find out which members of the enemy guild are online, that way you'll be able to prepare some war tactics.

¿Tiempos de Guerra?
Ahora podras saber cuales miembros del guild enemigo estan conectados, de esa manera podras preparar algunas tacticas de guerra.

Guild Members Lookup
guildmembers (online | both) "(guild name, case sensitive)"

Caught playing Tibia? Did your parents find out that you were using Tibia because they found it in your taskbar? Won't happen again!

Te atraparon jugando Tibia? Tus padres se dieron cuenta que estabas jugando Tibia porque vieron el programa en la barra de tareras? No sucedera de nuevo!

Fake Title
faketitle "(new title)"

And It Keeps Getting Better/Cada Vez Se Pone Mejor

I've worked hard these last two days, and finally I've got the fruit. Now we have a few more features, upcoming in the next version:

Auto Heal Friend
healfriend (off | (minimum hit point percent) "(Player Name)")

Auto Pickup (Spears, Throwing Knives, Etc.)
pickup (on | off)

Logging Tool (To save what happens in a file, useful when AFKing)
logger (on | off)

Help Command
help (supportive | offensive | tools | other | command name)

-FINALLY, finished the Help Command.
-Alarms have been made faster, this means that they will need more resources/minute than before, so use it when you are AFKing.
-Fixed bug in alarms, it was displaying the Application path when it alerted.
-Fixed bug in Fisher, that if you walked, it could stop fishing.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ammunition Restacker/Cargador o Estibador de Municiones

"No!!! Where are my arrows! I forgot to charge my ammunition, Omg halp!"
Scenes like this won't happen to you anymore since you'll be always have your arrows ready to take instead of having them inside your backpack.

"No!!! Donde estan mis flechas! Se me olvidor cargar las flechas, ayudaaaaaa!"
Escenas como esta no te sucederan nunca mas ya que siempre tendras las flechas listas para tomarlas en ves de tenerlas en un backpack.

Ammunition Restacker
ammorestacker (minimum ammunition | off)

For TibiaTek Bot v2.0.4 (NOT YET RELEASED)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Even Better Auto Attacker/Mejorado Auto Attacker

Training with monks has always been a problem, and some people avoid it just because they have to stare at the game, just so that they don't kill the monk. But not necessarily has to be a monk, it could be any monster, even a player. With TibiaTek Bot you will be able to let you train in almost every possible way. The new Auto Attacker has a training feature that will stop the attack when the health of the entity you are attacking goes too low, and will resume training after it is OK to do so.

Entrenar con monks siempre ha sido un problema, y algunas personas lo evitan solo porque tienen que quedarse mirando el juego, para asi no matar el monk. Pero no necesariamente tiene que ser un monk, puede ser un monstruo, hasta podria ser otro jugador. Con TibiaTek Bot podras entrenar casi de cualquier manera posible. El nuevo Auto Attacker tiene una caracteristica que hara que se detenga el ataque cuando la salud de la entidad que estas atacando baja mucho, y continuara el ataque cuando este bien hacerlo.

Comments plx!

Dying because of not remembering your mana shield?

Be happy! Now it won't happen again because you'll be told before you run out of Mana Shield 20 seconds, and then 5 seconds, giving you enough time to cast it again!
TibiaTek Bot v2.0.3 (Beta) will be released soon.

Se feliz! Ahora no volvera a pasar de nuevo porque seras avisado antes de que se te acaba el Mana Shield 20 segundos, y luego 5 segundos antes, dandote suficiente tiempo para que lo conjures de nuevo!
TibiaTek Bot v2.0.3 (Beta) sera lanzado pronto.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

First Alpha Release /Primer Lanzamiento Alfa

I'm proud to announce the very first public version available ONLY for testing.
Any bugs, please report A.S.A.P.


Estoy orgulloso en presentar la primera versión publica disponible para que la prueben.
Cualquier bug, por favor reportenlo lo mas pronto posible.

New Commands/Nuevos Comandos:
runemaker (minimum mana points) (minimum soul points) (spell)

It works like this, when minimum mana is reached, and you have more soul points than minimum soul points, you will conjure a magical rune.
Valid values for (spell) are the spell words, like Adura Vita, or Adura Vita Vis, or the spell name instead: Ultimate Healing, Sudden Death, etc.
For a complete list, check out the XML file included called Spells.xml inside the tag.

Funciona de la siguiente manera, cuando tienes mas de la mana minima requerida, y tienes mas soul points de lo minimo requerido, vas a conjurar una runa magica.
Valores validos para (spell) son las palabras magicas, como Adura Vita, o Adura Vita Vis, o sino, el nombre de la runa: Ultimate Healing, Sudden Death, etc.


Friday, January 26, 2007

Update Checker/Verificador de Actualizaciones

Click on the image to see it bigger/Haz click en la imagen para verla mas grande.

One of the characteristics that makes TibiaTek Bot special it's the innovations it makes to the cheating world of Tibia. It combines many useful tools in just one small package that it's very easy to use. Now there's no exception, TibiaTek Bot checks everytime you connect if there's a new version of the bot.

Una característica que hace al TibiaTek Bot especial son las innovaciones que hace en el mundo de la trampa de Tibia. Combinando muchas herramientas útiles en un pequeño paquete que es muy fácil de usar. Ahora no es la excepcion, TibiaTek Bot verifica cada vez que te conectes si hay una nueva version del bot.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Few Changes/Algunos Cambios

Every few months we have updates for Tibia, that means having to change the source code of the program just to change a few constants and whatnot. TibiaTek Bot will now read all this information from XML files, and maybe it will be possible to use TibiaTek Bot with Open Tibia, althought I do not support such thing as I'm not an OT fan.

Cada cierto tiempo tenemos actualizaciones para Tibia, esto significa tener que cambiar el codigo del programa solo para cambiar unas cuantas constantes y que no. TibiaTek Bot ahora va a leer toda esta informacion de archivos XML, y quizas sera posible usar TibiaTek Bot con un servidor corriendo Open Tibia, aunque no dare soporte para esto ya que no soy fan de OT.

Nueva ventana: Select Login Server/Seleccione un Servidor de Login

Select Login Server/Selecciona un Servidor de Login

Now you can select a different login server, in case some of them are down.
The list of login servers can be edited in TTBData.xml.

Ahora puedes seleccionar un servidor de login diferente en caso de que alguno no este disponible.
La lista de login servers se puede editar en el archivo TTBData.xml.